The White Tank 550 Alpha repeater is now linked to the Scottsdale 700 Alpha repeater. You should now be able to hear the nets and other radio traffic on the 550 repeater on the 700 repeater, as well. If you are in northeast Phoenix or Scottsdale, you have the option of using the 700 repeater instead. Remember that linked repeaters need extra time to connect through the link and transmit. Each time you transmit, press the PTT button, wait a second, then begin speaking. After another station ...
Updated 05-03-2021 at 02:26 AM by WQUZ645
UPDATE ON FCC APPLICATION FEES: On March 19th, 2021, the new fee schedule has been published in the Federal Register. The effective date for the reduction to $35 for GMRS and other changes will be April 19th, 2021. The FCC first has to notify Congress and make changes to their website and procedures. For this reason, the date could be extended.
Updated 03-21-2021 at 10:14 AM by WQUZ645
On December 23rd, the FCC adopted changes to it’s proposal for license fees. The approved fee for new and renewal GMRS applications will be $35. Initially, they proposed a $50 fee. This means GMRS fees have been reduced from $70 to $35. This should result in additional reasons for those who don’t want to pay an FCC fee to do so. Amateur applications will be increased from no fee to $35. The rule change should be in effect 30 days after the publication ...
Updated 02-20-2019 at 11:38 AM by WQWI942