Recent Glossary Entries

  1. Part 90 Radios Are Allowed On GMRS Per FCC

    Here is the link to a document by the FCC:

    In it there is the question of if GMRS is allowed to use Part 90 radios.
    In the Notes section of the document:
    Per n149 of FCC 17-57, the preceding serves to “clarify” the preceding/replaced 95.655(a):
    – n149 Several commenters are concerned that the proposal to prohibit combination radios would prevent GMRS licensees
    Radio Gear
  2. Recommended Radios For GMRS

    This is not a complete list, it will be updated as needed.
    Part 90 Exceeds Part 95 GMRS Specs

    Updated 01-31-2019 at 06:46 PM by WQWI942

    Tags: gmrs radios
    Radio Gear
  3. Mute Your Stereo Automatically

    Do you like to cruise down the road with your Radio blaring, or even just at a normal listening volume?
    Your not alone. It's annoying having to turn down the radio, or off, when you want to transmit. Sometimes it can also be hard to hear what's being said without turning it down - it's a constant battle between the stereo and the two way.

    Ever want a solution that takes care of doing this for you automatically? I did, and I found one.
    Most cars, and especially aftermarket stereo ...
    Radio Gear