Due to COVID restrictions, our Arizona Emergency Services Group (AESG) training has not been available for some time. We now have courses that have been scheduled. A training session, which includes two classes, is scheduled for Saturday, November 13th at 1:00 pm. This will be at the Civil Air Patrol facility, Deer Valley Airport in Phoenix, AZ. All AESG members and those that may be interested in becoming a member should attend. Please make sure you sign up here: www.arizonaemergencyservicesgroup.org/page-1
The RDF Challenge is coming up soon on Saturday, October the 16th, at the Usery Mountain Regional Park. Participants should arrive at 9:30 a.m. All AGRC members are invited. Even if you're not familiar with RDF (Radio Direction Finding), come out anyway. We can pair you with someone that can fill you in. It's great fun and also a learning experience about how radio signals work. For more information, check out the attached flyer. UPDATE: The ...
Updated 10-20-2021 at 11:44 AM by WQUZ645
A very good resource for those programming with Chirp. https://chirp.danplanet.com/projects...umns#Tune-Step
CTCSS and DCS tones can be a confusing subject for many. Attached is a cheat sheet that gives the GMRS/FRS standard channels, frequencies and their uses. It also includes those tone ID numbers used by Motorola and Midland.
If you have any questions that need answered or maybe some help programming your radio, there are two new officers in the Club that have been appointed. The Membership Officer, Mike Manning, or the Assistant Membership Officer, Tim Mrva, are there to help you out and both do a very good job. Just send them an email at: membershipofficer@azgmrs.org.